I don't know about you, but I feel like years of working on a computer--and I use the term loosely--seems to have rewired my brain.
I used to be more creative. I read the articles I used to write and get somewhat depressed at the quality of the pieces I churn out today. My pieces were so much more pictorial before.
Technology changed that. I'm seeing image upon image all day and I guess I am just not creating them internally or as vividly as I used to, back when I wasn't spending so much time online.
It's not just that. The mistakes I make today I never used to make before. I think of a word, keep typing, and then freak out to see that I typed something else all together. I was better at thinking, writing and creating before the internet. I was also more precise. Today, words elude me. Yes, okay, part of it is age, but I suspect that online time has dulled my creative brain cells.
I've tried writing longhand again (even the quality of my penmanship has suffered from lack of practice), but the world moves so quickly online that I feel the process just delays everything. Today, I skip issues I would have written about before, just because I'm not that quick a thinker and the younger writers are just more adept at thinking, writing, and pressing the send or publish button. I just can't keep up.
So, I think I'll just make an effort to journal more, by hand, try to spend less time online (that's getting harder and harder to do, yes?), and just do more things away from the computer. We really need to make an effort to live more, don't we?
i hear you. it's hard to stay away from the internet. it takes a lot of effort to do so but i try to do other projects to keep me away from it like knitting and sewing. i still write letters the old-fashioned way when responding to email from friends, unless a quick reply is needed. have you tried using a fountain pen to write? i find that it's easier and less taxing than using a ballpoint pen.
Amanda, you are a woman after my own heart! Yes, I journal with a fountain pen but alas, don't do snail mail often enough. I do have my crochet projects and knit once in a while, paint once in a while, but not often enough. Thanks for the reminders!
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