Saturday, March 19, 2011

Deep Breaths

Deep, coherent, measured breaths. You'll be amazed what this can do for you. I've been doing this, cultivating feelings of joy and appreciation as well and I know it has helped me deal with what's going on in the world.  The planetary shift is upon us in bigger, more radical waves and we can't be swayed by fear and hysteria, and that is difficult to do because we are facing monumental challenges. These challenges have a lot to do with humanity waking up to a new world--a new consciousness.  There is much death and destruction, but it is also a time for great renewal and creativity.

We can be co-creators of this change if we harness our inner resources.  In Japan, despite the destruction, people are coming together in such profound ways.  Food is being left on doorsteps, people are constantly checking on one another. Everyone is suddenly grateful for the little things they used to take for granted. Countries are coming together. Everywhere, people are reaching out to each other, which I firmly believe is exactly what is needed in order for the shift to take place more smoothly.

It will not be an easy ride, but if we keep working on ourselves and strengthening that in us which always prevails, we will be the bridge towards this new world.  Scary, yes, but also very exciting.

Those of us who have heart and home intact, would do well to redirect (if we haven't already) our lives and start living it out of our true purpose, whatever it is. There is not one more day to lose.

Deep breaths and march on!