Wednesday, January 6, 2010


As usual, please click on the image for it to make sense! Gisela Wielki is a Christian Community priest who has been visiting us for 7 years! Imagine that. She has enriched our personal journeys a thousandfold. If you're raring to explore new roads this year, this would be a great place to start. See you there.


Shortly after I turned 40 (there, I said it), I decided I wanted something more from my workouts, and I was no longer interested in spending hours in the gym. I wanted to make sure that whatever it was I was doing, was working on my insides as well. That's when I ran into an aunt who introduced me to the Cellerciser.

Yes, it looks like a simple mini trampoline, the kind you can purchase off Toby's, but this is not a toy. You bounce on the toys and you'll feel what I mean--and not in a good way. The Cellerciser is pricey if you think of it as just a mini trampoline, but when you consider what it does for your cells and then compare it to your gym fees, it begins to feel like a great deal.

I was immediately drawn to this because it's exercising down to your cells, hence its name. When you bounce (this foldable and very portable rebounder comes with a dvd, book, bar and carrying case), you are working out not just your body, but giving your cells a great boost (there's a science to this that is explained in their website, but I won't even attempt that here). It's like doing lymphatic drainage everyday. And the beauty is you don't have to spend hours on it. 10 minutes a day, minimum, is enough.

I no longer have the patience to spend hours in the gym. I workout at home now with my rebounder, different dvds and all the nature around me. I enjoy walking around my neighborhood when I can. As I get older, I appreciate my senses getting a good workout as well. I have my Cellerciser in my room facing the garden, I don't have to spend hours on it, and I know that every minute I spend on it is great for the health of my cells. That, plus my super supplements, is really all I need.

If you want to know more about the benefits of rebounding on the Cellerciser, visit the site here. Rica Villalon is the local distributor of the Cellerciser and though I make absolutely nothing from her, I've sent many people her way because I believe that workouts should do more than make you look good.

So, start 2010 on the right track. Cellercise!!

*photos courtesy of Rica Villalon