Thursday, April 23, 2009

Beautiful Boayan: Save it now!

This is Boayan. Isn't she beautiful? My family and I have been blessed to have vacationed here many years ago.  My boys were just there with friends and family over the Easter holidays. They really love it there and I am grateful that they are able to go to a place that isn't all about modern structures, airconditioning, or materialist luxury.  Here, luxury is abundant nature in all its glory.

Today Boayan was on the front page (hooray!) of The Philippine Daily Inquirer. I feel like the last to know that residents, Ditchay Roxas and her husband, Philippe Girardeau, are now fighting tooth and nail to keep the island away from developers who would turn it into a 5-star resort. 

When did we turn into a country that thinks (ooh, what an inappropriate word to use) 5-star is the best thing to do with our most beautiful beaches? Shouldn't we be pouring in funds to make sure that our environment stays healthy, vibrant and bountiful instead? Shouldn't we be rewarding Ditchay and people like her for doing precisely that wherever they are?

If you want to help save this beautiful piece of land and all the creatures that live in it, read all about Boayan and sign the online petition here.

Tell all your friends, blog about it, find it on Facebook and share it.